General Reminders

Abandoning the Qur’an

Imam ibn al Qayyim al Jawziyya listed five types/ways people abandon the Qur’an. We need to know them so that we can always be careful and cautious about them.

Types/Ways people abandon the Qur’an are:

1. To abandon listening to it and believing in it.

2. To abandon acting upon it, ignoring its lawful and prohibited ordinances halaal and haraam), even if you believe in it and recite it.

3. To abandon judging by it, or resorting to it as a judge when there are differences in the essence of the religion or other matters.

4. To abandon pondering over it, understanding it, and seeking the explanation of it.

5. To abandon using it as a cure in all types of diseases of the heart, and instead to seek the cure to these diseases by other means.

All of these categories are included in the statement of allah: "and the messenger (will) say: o my lord! Verily, my people deserted this qur’an" (25: 30) Some type of abandonment are less severe than others.

We should strive hard not to be from those who fit any of the descriptions above. May Allah not make us from those the prophet will complain about on the day of judgement, aameen.

General Advise About Understanding the Qur'an

Assalam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakaatuh. Often people ask about learning Arabic so they may read and understand the Qur'an. With regards to understanding the Qur'an, I would recommend that you begin with the basics.

1. Fear Allah and ask Him for Knowledge: A lot of people skip this step and assume it is the effort they put in that matters. If Allah does not guide you and open your heart, the rest of these steps will be very long, arduous, and will not bring about any fruits or benefit.

2. Learn Tajweed:Yes, it appears it is not directly related to understanding the Qur'an but it actually leads to loving the words of Allah and with that, your heart opens up to the Qur'an and then comes the wisdom and knowledge.

3. Read the Meaning: Read the meaning of everything you read 10 mins a day. The more you read the translation (Sahih International is the recommended), the better familiar you will be with the individual words and what they mean.

4. Word for Word Study: Set aside 5 -10 mins a day for Word for Word study. This step is crucial to identifying words in Arabic and their equivalent meaning. By the time you complete Juz Amma with this approach, you would have familiarized yourself with almost 50% if not more, of the words in the Qur'an. Therefore, when you see it in other surahs you will have a fair understanding of what to expect in the meaning. If you combine this with reading the meaning regularly, you will be able to follow the recitation of the Imam for instance and you'll have a general overview of the meaning of what you hear or read.

5. Consistent Arabic Class: Find a consistent Arabic class. with a schedule that is tight, this step is the most tasking. If there is a local class you can sign up for, that will be good. Even if the class meets once a week. If there is no local class, there are teachers online (private or group classes) that you can enroll with. Even if just once a week, it is better than nothing. It is preferred that you study with a teacher who converses only in the language and not English. This way you will be immersed in the language and will learn it like children learn to speak (without detailed study of grammar first).

6. Be Consistent: This element is missing for most people. They are quick to hop classes and change teachers, and always complain about the classes they take. If you hop scotch with studying, you will not gain anything. Stick with a teacher for a period of time. If you sign up for classes, pay for 2 months at a time so you will be forced to stick with it. Learning from a poor teacher for a period of time is better than learning from multiple teachers. Each class/teacher requires getting used to, before benefit can be gained from them or the class arrangement. When you hop scotch, you always reset the adjustment clock and end up losing time, and not gaining much.

7. Don't Give Up: Whatever you do, Don't Give Up! No matter how hard it gets, and how impossible it becomes to complete assignments, or meet up for class, make your studying a priority and don't give up. You will cross that threshold and eventually settle into a routine with your studying habits. It is just as important as raising your family and working, so give it the same level of devotion and attention.

8. Seek Allah's Assistance: Lastly, Seek Allah's Help and ask Him for Beneficial Knowledge. Always keep your intentions sincere and seek help from Allah. Remember that you will be the source and role model for your children, so learn well, so that you may teach them as well.

May Allah ease our affairs and grant us success in this life and in the hereafter, aameen. Baaraka Allah feena wa feekum.

General Lecture Presentations

These presentations were given as lectures at different times to different groups of people (primarily sisters). They contain beneficial reminders/points that we all need as Muslims at all times. While they are not downloadable, you can view them as many times as you require. Be sure to expand the "Speaker Notes" section of the slide to view detials/footnotes. For the slides (and speaker notes where applicable), please click the title of each Lecture. Click the image to access the presentation.

1. Introduction to the Science of Tajweed

We all know that reciting the Qur'an is one of the best acts of worship. We also know that reciting it with Tajweed is required. Hence, we should learn about Tajweed.

2. Fasting in Islam | Ramadan A Month of Opportunity

Fasting is the fourth pillar of Islam. What is Fasting? What are its conditions? What invalidates it? Learn about Fasting and more here.

3. Suratul Faatihah | Tafseer and Benefits

Have you stopped to consider the conversation that happens between you and Allah everytime you stand to pray?

4. Salah | Its Importance and Merits

Salah is the second pillar of Islam. It is the first thing we will be asked about on the day of judgement. It is very important that we do it properly.

5. Zakah in Islam | Its Importance and Merits

Zakah is the third pillar of Islam. It is a companion to the salah and we will be asked about it on the day of judgement. It is paramount that we carry it out when due and correctly.

6. Using Prescribed Dhikr | Avoid Innovations

It is important for us to use the remembrance that has been prescribed or used by the Prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Whatever he said will suffice us. We should avoid Innovations, yes, they are a big deal!

7. Time Management Tips | For Motivated Weight Loss

Why is Time Management a big deal? WHat is Time Management? How do we use it for motivated weight loss? These questions and more are addressed.

8. You Can Be Like Her!

Behind every great man there is a great woman (mother, sister, wife, aunt, grandmother, daughter). Many are the scholars who were raised by their mothers alone and they are the shining stars of this ummah from their time to ours, and beyond.

9. Mourning and Condolence in Islam

Death is the most certain thing in life. No one can escape it. After death is greiving, mourning and condolence. We should follow the sunnah in these actions and not follow customs and traditions that go against the sunnah.

10. Islam & Culture | Understanding the Difference Between Them

What is Islam, and what is Culture? Is there a meeting point between them? It is important to understand the difference between Islam and Culture to avoid committing shirk and other evil deeds out of ignorance. We should learn the basic principles that governs these two aspects of our lives.