Ramadan Reminders

What Are We Waiting For?

Ramadan is coming up in about a month bi ithniLLAH. Have we started preparing ourselves spiritually? No doubt some of us have started going shopping for the pantry, some might even already be window shopping for Eid gifts, forgetting the most important aspect of the blessed month is attaining Taqwa by performing and drowning ourselves in various acts of worship.

We know we cannot wake up on the days of doubt (the 2 nights right before Ramadan) with the highest level of eemaan and state of mind, ready to take on the month-long journey towards Jannah (whose gates are wide open) without having prepared our hearts for this month-long event. If we were preparing for a triathlon, we would start exercising months in advance. Why not do the same for this glorious month of Ramadan.

I advise myself and you all to challenge yourself in this next month. Print off our Eeman chart for Ramadan and begin using it even before Ramadan starts. Make it a point to fill in each section every day and be conscious about what you observe (the state of your eemaan/heart/improvement/preparation for Ramadan) before the beginning of Ramadan and afterwards in shaa Allah.

Don't be lazy, many are those who will read this post but may not witness the month of Ramadan. Make your intention to be better TODAY and do not delay.

May Allah make us be from those who will witness Ramadan and be successful in this life and in the hereafter, aameen.

Ramadan Charts (Printable)

Assalam alaikum warahmatullah wabarakaatuh

Here are some charts that you and your family can benefit from this month of Ramadan bi ithniLLAH.

Feel free to print them out for yourself, spouse and children. Share them with family and friends. You can customize the Blank Chart Template to your liking.

Baaraka Allah feena wa feekum.

Click to download/print (PDF).

These are colorful charts for kids to fill in as they please. You can use it for motivating/rewarding young ones to finish their hifdh in shaa Allah. They can be use outside of Ramadan of course.

Time Management Tips for Ramadan

"Ramadaan has arrived to you, a month of barakah (blessing), Allaah envelops you (with His mercy & blessings), so He descends His mercy, erases the sins, answers your dua'as, and He watches your competition in virtuous deeds and He boasts in front of the angels about you. So, let Allaah see the best from you, for truly, the miserable one is he who is deprived from the mercy of Allaah (in this month)." [Tabaraanee, Saheeh]

These are feasible tips to help you maximize your time during Ramadaan & to prepare ourselves for 'Ibaadah & worship.

Click the buttons to read the tips.

Tip 1
Tip 2
Tip 3
Tip 4
Tip 5
Tip 6
Tip 7
Tip 8
Tip 9
Tip 10
Tip 11
Tip 12

Fasting Ramadan | Things You Must Know

Fasting is an act of Worship and a fundamental pillar of our religion. This series, covers all of the basic information every Muslim must know in order to observe this pillar of Islam correctly. May Allah grant us all understanding and wisdom, make us all from the successful in Ramadan, in this life, and in the hereafter, aameen.

These podcasts were recorded by UmmAbdullah for Sisters specifically. Please keep this in mind when listening to them and be mindful of who else is listening.

1. Definitions and Wisdom

We will learn the meanings of the words Siyaam and Ramadan, the wisdom behind the obligation of the fast of the month of Ramadan.

2. Requirements

We will cover the conditions for the Fasting of the month of Ramadan to become obligatory on a person. When does a child reach the age of puberty? What if a person is insane?

3. Invalidators

So we now understand the basics of fasting, why don’t we learn the invalidators of fasting; the things that will nullify our fast and how to fix the situation.

4. Voluntary Fasts

Alhamdulillah we have learnt a lot about fasting in Ramadan. Let us round-up with some basic facts and a quick recap of some points we previously mentioned. Do you know the types of voluntary fasting throughout the year?

5. Women Related Issues

What do you do when you lose a pregnancy during Ramadan? What if your period starts during the day of Ramadan? How about taking a medication to prevent your period from starting during Ramadan.

6. More Women related Issues

What if you are pregnant and bleeding? Do you sleep through the night of the last ten days of Ramadan because you are on your monthly cycle? Frequently asked questions on women issues continues in this episode. Don’t miss it.

7. Frequently Asked Questions

Alhamdulillah we have covered all of the basics of Fasting in and outside of Ramadan. We will round-up with frequently asked general questions.

Preparing Our Hearts and Souls for Ramadan

This series, cover things we should be doing now (before Ramadan) to prepare our hearts and minds for getting the most from the month of Ramadan. Although these were recorded many years ago, they will always be relevant in our lives. May Allah make us all from the successful in this life and in the hereafter, aameen.

These podcasts were recorded by UmmAbdullah for Sisters specifically. Please keep this in mind when listening to them and be mindful of who else is listening.

1. Repenting to ALLAH

We are doing some spring cleaning of our hearts and soul and refurnishing it with knowledge and the remembrance of ALLAH in preparation for Ramadan so join us.

2. Training our senses

How do we make sure that we protect ourselves from evil and what should we do to clean out are hearts and protect it from filth? We need to train our senses.

3. Increasing our good deeds

What are the ways of motivating ourself to do righteous deeds and keep up with them? What are the many types of righteous deeds we can do? Listen to this episode to find out more in shaa ALLAH.

4. Thanking ALLAH

Why do we need ALLAH? Have we thanked ALLAH for all the mercy that HE has upon us? Do we take benefit from the prayers of the prophets, the chosen people of ALLAH?

5. Between Fear and Hope

When do we make the intention for Ramadan? What is Taqwa? Are you a Muhsin?

6. Purifying our Intentions

Have we asked ourselves why we are listening to these podcast series? Do we think about the essence of the acts of worship before we do them? Do we realise the importance of purifying our intentions?

7. Talking to our Nafs [our Soul]

How do we keep our soul in check? What will make us reach the highest levels of Jannah? We answer these questions in this podcast and conclude the preparation for Ramadan series.

General Tips for Ramadan

Tip 1
Tip 2
Tip 3
Tip 4
Tip 5
Tip 6
Tip 7
Tip 8
Tip 9
Tip 10
Tip 11
Tip 12
Tip 13
Tip 14
Tip 15
Tip 16

Beneficial Reminders About Ramadan

These playlists or videos on youtube are curated walhamdulillah. They contain beneficial reminders that we all need as Muslims at all times, and especially in Ramadan.

1. Ramadan is Your Second Chance

A series covering the ways to leverage Ramadan to improve ourselves and strive for the level of Ihsan and worshipping Allah correctly in and outside of Ramadan. By, Sh. Karim Abu Zaid.

2. Ramadan Memoirs

It explains the importance of Ramadan and the understanding we should have as muslims about the month of Ramadan. By, Sh. Ibrahim Zidan

3. Virtues of fasting

This covers the benefits and virtues of Fasting Ramadan and other voluntary fasts. By, Sh. Aasim Al-Hakeem

4. The Path to Salvation

This series covers the fundamental of Islam and is presented primarily for the benefit of non-Muslims. It is included here because we all need to renew our faith from time to time especially in Ramadan. By, Sh. Karim Abu Zaid


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